Hi all!  I know it’s been forever since I’ve updated my blog.  And I’ve been super busy in my craft room, just been so busy I hadn’t had a chance to update with all my great projects! 

In September, we went to visit my aunt and my mom in LA, California, and in middle of the trip, we went to Las Vegas, my first time visiting the city!  And with any first visit, comes a bunch of pictures… I think I took more than 300!  Anyway, my mom, was a visitor as well, so not only did my aunt had to bus me and my family around, she also had to accommodate her! I was so thankful for all the fun we had, and her opening up her home to me and my kids, so I decided to make her a thank you card.  But wait, how ‘bout a thank you card that can also hold a cd of all the wonderful pictures I took during our visit with her?

Below is pictures from my combo thank you card and cd holder.  Unfortunately, I didn’t keep dimensions, and being it was some time ago when I made it, I don’t even remember all the logistics behind it.  I can tell you I used my cricut, and I used Plantin School Book and George to make the embellishments and wording.

IMG_0051[1]I made it so that the thanks could be removed and used as a sleeve to keep the card closed. The thanks was cut using end caps and placed on black cardstock which was adhered on both ends to make the sleeve.

IMG_0056[1]I made the flowers with Plantin School book and surprisingly, I figured the “J” on the George cartridge looked a little like a stem when placed just perfectly under the flower.  The grass, if I remember correctly, came from Plantin also. 

IMG_0053[1]I cut two smaller pieces of white cardstock to handwrite my thanks on them, and used ribbon to tie the cd to the card. I probably should’ve made a label for the cd, cause it would’ve enhanced the interior better. I used coordinating paper, the polka dots, which I also used to enhance the envelope.

IMG_0050[1]All together, I think it came out really cute.


Thanks for checking it out! If you decide to make one on your own, please let me know, I’d love to see your version of the thank you “slash” cd holder!



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